Life Coaching

Ready for your next breakthrough?

Ready to get unstuck?
Ready to move forward?
Ready for your next breakthrough?

I mean stuck like you are doing the same things over and over again every day, even if you don’t want to?

I mean move forward out of the merry-go-round of same old, same old?

I mean breakthrough and break out of old patterns and expectations?

COACHING is your opportunity to explore, dream and manifest all the purpose and potential for your life, no matter your age and circumstances.

Jenny is offering 1-1 Personal Coaching via zoom to suit your schedule.  Places available for one-off free exploratory discussion followed by four, six, eight or twelve sessions.

What is Coaching?

A Purposeful Conversation that inspires you to create your best life!

Uses dialogue to move you along the right direction.  
Quickly cuts through chit-chat and gets to the root of everything.  

You may discuss:

Why you act the way you do – evaluating behaviour.

Which beliefs about yourself stop you from taking certain actions.

What your options really are.  

How you can go about getting the right results for you.

How you can gain or maintain motivation.

“Coaching should leave you refreshed, inspired and ready for action”

Coaching is more than inspiring you to live the life you want; it’s even better than that.  Coaching conversations help you identify how to live your very best life, the one that taps into all your potential and strengthens you.

Suggested Big Picture Topics for Coaching Sessions:

  • Goal Setting
  • Working through challenges
  • Designing actions
  • Vision
  • Paradigm shifts
  • Navigating and overcoming obstacles
  • Emotions and Identity
  • Learning lessons
  • Moving forwards
  • Stretching outside of comfort zones
  • Letting go
  • Values and self-worth

A purposeful conversation that inspires you to create and live your best life ever.

Goal setting, Moving forwards, Designing actions, Vision, Beyond comfort zones, Overcoming obstacles, Letting go, Working through challenges, Identity, Values.

Age (optional):
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